kolmapäev, november 30, 2005

Firefox 1.5 pluginaid

Firefoxil on see nigel omadus vastupidiselt Operale, et talle peab mugavad lisapluginad ise juurde tirima, samas Operal pole võibolla kõiki lisavidinaid, aga üldjuhul ei ole see probleem, sest elementaarne on kaasas. Tulirebase pluginaid on aga metsikult, mistõttu mõtlesingi kirjutada lähemalt, milliseid ise kasutan nö produktiivsuse tõstmiseks ehk siis mugavusest.

Asjad, milleta ma läbi kuidagi ei saa, on hiiremärgid. Nendeks on mitu pluginat, kuid parim on Mouse Gestures (All-in-One gestures ntx tekitab tüütu punase joone hiiremärgi taha ja easyGestures tekitab mingi haige pirukamenüü, mis rohkem segab kui aitab) (nagu Operas).

Teiseks on täiesti asendamatu üks korralik minimalistlik teema ehk siis theme. Mulle meeldib enim LittleFox, mis on parim oma efektiivse ekraanipinnakasutuse poolest.

Kolmas täiesti asendamatu plugin on allalaaderiba, sest tulirebase enda vaikimisi laadeaken on aeglane ja tüütu. Selleks kasutan Download Statusbari.

Ülejäänud pluginad pole kriitilised, kuid kasulikud sellegipoolest.

  • LastTab, mis navigeerib Ctrl+Tabiga tabide vahel loogilisemas "viimane enne" järjestuses (nagu Operas).
  • ShowIP, mis näitab paremal all nurgas lehe serveerinud masina IP-d.
  • PDF download, mis võimaldab enne PDF-i avamist valida ka selle salvestamise vindile. Mugav alternatiiv paremklõps+save_as variandile.
  • "kiirendi" FasterFox, mille mõjust mul pole aimugi, kuid mõnus on vaadata seda timerit, mis näitab, palju käesoleva lehe laadimine aega võttis.
  • Foorumites, kus kasutusel BBCode, on kasulik BBCodeXtra.
  • Päris vahva on Confuscator!, mis valitud teksti sõnadel jätab paika esimese ja viimase tähe ning ülejäänud tähed segab randomiga laiali.
  • Tulirebase pluginatena on vormistatud ka mõned uudiste agregaatorid - Sage ja Wizz RSS News Reader.
Ja loomulikult parim abi on paremal-ülal asuvate otsingumootorite lisamise võimalus. Imdb, allmusic, wikipedia, neti.ee - jaa palun.

PS Installeerisin 1.5-t kahele erinevale raalile. Ühel neis oli 1.5 rc3, mille tulemusena kadusid kõik mu pluginad sealt ära, kuid bookmarkid jäid alles. Iseenesest polnud traagika, sest teadsin endale kõiki vajalikke pluginaid ja sain nende 1.5 versioonid kiirelt tirida (õigemini valisin "tulirebane, uuenda oma pluginaid").
Teisel masinal oli 1.0.7 ja sel läks install veel lihtsamalt - kõik säilus ja vastavate pluginate uuendused ka leiti ise üles. Ainult paar ebaolulist pluginat pole veel jõudnud 1.5 tasemele uuenduda, millepeale võtsin need maha, kuna nad ei kuulunud ülalmainitud kriitiliste ja "lihtsalt kasulike" hulka.
Lõppeks - ma ei tea, kas asi on minus või 1.5 on tunduvalt kiirem kui 1.0.x seeria..

PPS Tsekake seda Firefoxile orienteeritud veebi-3D mängu algvarianti - Canavascape, vahendab /.

teisipäev, november 29, 2005


Just another reason why to by a noKia, wifi capable and better yet - Skype capable next year.
Vahendab minut - uudis ITviikkolt.

Ah jaa.. ja Firefox 1.5 väljutatakse Mozilla Foundationi kuumadest koodiahjudest tänaöösel. Fenomen jätkab lendu..

Flash kodumaalt - kannatamatu autojuht.

kolmapäev, november 23, 2005

Webmasters who didn't think when they registered their URL

Our daily laugh comes from /spadassin/

You know, truly.. who would name their pen-shop "PenIsland". And seriously, who would by pens from the net? And well.. who would buy anything from a shop called "Penisland"?

teisipäev, november 22, 2005

Dagny :(

Tahtsin avaldada kaastunnet Dagny kaotuse puhul - vanaisa, kes ei ole enam meiega ühel pool reaalsusmaatriksit.

laupäev, november 05, 2005

Alienware Firefox edition

Mozilla kuulutas alles hiljuti välja võistluse Extent Firefox, millega tahab saada Tulirebase 1.5 versioonile vingeid lisasid - auhinnaks on Alienware casemoditud vinge desktop raal.

Masin näeb välja selline.
Tulirebase värvides aga nähtav kõrval (esialgne kavand).

Vahendab Download Squad.

reede, november 04, 2005

Joel on AJAX

Taskuhääling special today - Joel Spolsky räägib AJAXist ja asjadest (FogBugz AJAXil?).

Minutis metodoloogiline vihkamise taseme välimääraja.

Eestlaste rahvustune upitamiseks artikkel meie WiFinduse isaga, Veljo Haameriga. Kirjutab CNETi staff writer, John Borland. Huvitav, kas tal on miskit pistmist populaarse softitootjaga?

Krdi Google Print. Täiesti haigelt häid asju teevad need tegelased. Masendav.

Joke poole pealt pilte vägivaldsetest mängudest, mis muudetud 'armsateks'.

Debian mälupulgale ja krüptitult..

Jeezskrst - vaata neid panoraamvõtteid Q4-st!!! Huvitav, kas nad kasutavad Doom3 mootorit?


Memmo: Howto run win programs on Linux

neljapäev, november 03, 2005

Nokia & OSS

I'm so going to buy me a new no-Kia! Tiitli teemat vahendab /.

Nokia liitus Eclipse foundationiga strateegilise arendajana ja nõukogu liikmena, et arendada Eclipse peal J2ME (Java2 Micro Edition) IDE't.

Furthermore, Nokia plans to use the Eclipse tools platform widely in its tools portfolio and will actively contribute to several existing Eclipse projects beyond the scope of Java.

Nokia's Eclipse initiatives date from 2004 when it announced support for the Eclipse platform in the Nokia Developer's Suite for J2ME and the Nokia Mobile Server Services SDK. Also starting in 2004, Nokia contributed key development resources and leadership to the Embedded Rich Client Platform (eRCP) project at Eclipse. Nokia also has provided the ability for Java developers to integrate any Nokia platform SDK supporting MIDP into the Eclipse environment and will make additional Eclipse tools announcements in 4Q 2005 as part of its plan to host the majority of its tools offerings in Eclipse.

PS Nokia contributions to OSS community

kolmapäev, november 02, 2005

MaxOS ajalugu

Numbrite mäng. Väga põhjalikult ei räägi, kuid ülevaate saab.

Very cool pic

Arts. Selline taies. Uber!

Vahendab Digg.
Parim asi, mis ma üle hulga aja näinud olen.

Howto make Linux a desktop OS

/. vahendab Greg Raizi artikli, milles juttu Linuxi vajakajäämistest ja lisab palju häid soovitusi.
Loodan, et mõned distro-loojad seda loevad ja ka arvesse võtavad.

OSS on win & Mono & cross-platform gui & Win php developer env

Lugedes OSSi kohta Slashdotist:

It is true though that for some unknown reason, corporate IT people won't even consider an open source app most of the time. Why businesses continue to hire these wastrels is beyond me though. Companies will throw millions of dollars into crappy proprietary software, then cut jobs when the red ink starts appearing.
I work for a major investment bank, building front and back office systems. Most of what I (and my team) do day to day is in Java - I use Eclipse as my IDE, build the code in Ant/Maven, and never go anywhere without my Apache Commons libraries. We have code generation tools which are built on Velocity, and everything's tested with JUnit. The finished stuff runs on Linux blades, often under JBoss or Tomcat - http duty is obviously also handled by Apache. When it comes to debugging web apps nothing beats Firefox & the HTTPHeaders extension.

But apart from that you're right - we're terrified of Open Source :)

Järgmine komm Mono kohta samast kohast. ASP.NET1.1 täielikult?! /:o$

While it may be insufficent to run every ASP.NET application, Mono's ASP.NET implementation does exist and is functional. They claim to support all of ASP.NET 1.1 and have implemented many of the new features in ASP.NET 2.0. Of course, I haven't used every feature of ASP.NET 1.1, but overall Mono works fine with everything I have needed to do.
The article is incorrect in saying "at this point in time DotNetNuke runs on ASP.NET, a services layer which is only available for the Windows platform - a situation which the Mono project is trying to address." ASP.NET is indeed available on other operating systems using Mono's implementation. In other words, the Mono project has already addressed this issue. While running ASP.NET applications with Apache and mod_mono isn't as easy to configure as, say, mod_php or any old CGI application, it's possible and not very difficult for anyone with experience configuring Apache and compiling Apache modules -- comparable to setting up FastCGI.

Mono's XSP, a small, simple web server, works great for serving up ASP.NET applications.

While .NET programs can be portable between Microsoft's .NET Runtime and Mono, just as software written in many languages can be portable between Windows and Linux, it's also possible to write software that only functions properly in one operating system or the other.

Edasi kasulik komm Win32 GUI kohta ja cross-platformsuse kohta:

gAIM works "OK". It's useable. Same deal with Ethereal. These apps would be a lot better if they used the native Windows APIs, or if they used a wrapper that was abstract enough to give them more the feel of a "real" Windows application. Not getting the Windows common dialog savebox when I want to save something is annoying. I understand why they did that--it was probably a lot easier to port. If I were looking to write GUI apps cross-platform though, I'd make sure the wrapper I was using came as close as possible to the look and feel of the native GUI on all the platforms I was trying to support. GTK ports are just crappy on Windows in too many ways to ever be the method I'd chose. It's been a while but I've heard wxWindows is pretty good in this regard. If so, more people should probably use it.

WAMPP - Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Perl:

Personally, I'm a big fan of platform-independent open source. I run XP at home and built myself a WAMPP development platform, using Windows XP, Apache 2, PHP, Perl, and MySQL. It makes my life easier, because I can use all my comfort-zone editors (text, bitmap, vector) and integrate the results into the dev site on the fly.

Would I care if a project that was really useful to me on Windows wasn't viable on Linux? Yes and no. I think that platform independence is a HUGE plus in the FOSS world. It definitely earns you bonus points. It increases the level of freedom the users of that project have. BUT, users of that project are also free to port it to other platforms. I wouldn't be able to run my WAMPP environment if people hadn't ported the AMPP portion to Windows.

Using more proprietary foundations like .NET do limit the usefulness of an OSS project, but only until people get interested in developing ports. If nothing else, you can build a forked project that uses the best logic and functions that aren't platform dependent and merges them with a more platform independent underpinning.

If you're developing OSS for .NET, kudos on being open source, but you do miss the bonus points for being platform independent and don't whine about not getting the cred platform-independent projects of the same nature do. If you're an OSS user who sees this great project built on a proprietary stack and are pissed because it's not available for your platform, "port up or shut up".

Mõttetera Postgresi näitel:

Just go look at the stats on sourceforge, software that runs on windows gets 10x the downloads that linux software does. A great example is Postgresql which was ignored by many until it got a windows port. Who needs respect when you've got popularity?